By Mike Kinosian
Managing Editor

— After having posted special feature April 2017 ratings overviews of public news/talk operations this past Wednesday (5/24) and Major League Baseball (MLB) flagships yesterday (Thursday, 5/25), we turn our attention to two music formats.
In today's spotlight alternative or modern rock.
This summary is comprised of PPM-market alternative facilities that rank in the top 20 (6+) in the April 2017 ratings period.
Bottom-line matchup: The typical PPM-market alternative station in April 2017 notches a 6+-share of 2.98, the lowest of the three genres we have examined so far, and finishes at #13.45, which is better than the representative MLB flagship but not as good as the emblematic ranking for a public news/talker in that same sweep.
Nielsen Audio only releases audience estimates for facilities that subscribe to its services. Owing to that reason, ratings stats in this exclusive analysis are limited to stations that pay Nielsen Audio for its data.