A not-so-nice welcome for new KNZR General Manager Mary Lou Gunn, who started her new position last week with the Buckley station in Bakersfield. The popular conservative talker gave no reason for giving his two week notice, however, The Bakersfield Californian speculates he may be getting ready to take a job with American General Media's KERN. Gunn told the paper, "He was a huge part of the success of the radio station. He will be hard to replace." Bailey did post this long goodbye message on his Facebook page.
"It was with a heavy heart that I tendered my resignation to Buckley Radio today. However, future opportunities and challenges make it virtually impossible not to seek out new adventures. I would like to thank Steve Darnell, Kathy Baker and posthumously Rick Buckley. To my colleagues, I hope I was a team player who made the station and the client top priority and someone who grasped the concept of pulling on one side of the rope. To my sponsors, I hope I played a small role in your success and thank you for your support! And to my listeners, (and you know I'm blubbering like a baby, by now) you gave me a voice in this community! I pray you will travel with me wherever I go!!! Thank you all!! It's been an incredible ride!!!!"