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Friday, October 25, 2013

Katz: Pandora Has Only 4.4% Of Radio Listening


It's been a number virtually impossible to verify, yet most national media report it as the gospel: How much of the radio audience does Pandora have? How much are they taking away from broadcast radio, if any. Pandora has consistently boasted that it has about 7 percent of the radio listening audience. During his keynote address to DASH attendees Wednesday, Entercom CEO David Field said research from Katz concludes that number is more like 4.4 percent. This is the second major public event in which Field is openly challenging Pandora's numbers, calling them out to show some proof.

Here's more from David Field's keynote: "Pandora asserts they have a 7 percent share of all audience. They have no way to prove that. Look at the big picture. If you believe Katz, we are in a 20-to-1 position. Even if you believe Pandora, we are in a 13-to-1 position. Some people look at this as a winner-take-all sweepstakes. Nothing can be further from the truth.

"There can be a reasonable amount of fragmentation and room for everyone. Audio is booming. People are listening more than ever. Broadcast radio takes 19 percent of time spent with all media. We have a profoundly important relationship with the American public. Radio is in its golden age. We're in a really good place, and the future is bright."

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