Triton Digital released its monthly Top 20 Ranker for October 2014, a listing of the top-performing digital audio stations and networks. It was good news for News/Talk streamers, as the format had the largest listening gains from September to October, with a 5.3% increase in Average Active Session, followed closely by Sports (5.1%), gains were also seen in Adult Contemporary (2.4%), Classic Hits (1.2%) and Classic Rock (1.1%).
Rankings are reported on the basis of "Average Active Sessions", with "Session Starts" and "Average Time Spent Listening." M-SU 6A-Midnight daypart sessions were up just over 30% compared to October 2013. iOS lead the pack with 32% of the listening taking place on the Apple mobile platform. Android 28%, and Flash Player (likely attributable to desktop listening) was 9% in the M-F 6A-8P daypart.
The markets in the report shake out with Seattle showing the largest listening gain with a 23% percent increase in Average Active Sessions, followed by Atlanta (7.6%), San Francisco (5.8%), Cleveland (3.9%), Detroit (3.8%), San Diego (3.7%) and Chicago (3.5%). Triton suggests that the streaming uptick in Seattle could be attributed to the shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, on October 24th.
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