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Friday, January 9, 2015

(SOCIAL) New Year's Resolutions For Growth


Yes, you can improve your life and refocus your efforts with a few New Year's resolutions. It's not too late. While we usually talk only about social media, you may apply each of these as being important to people in all kinds of jobs and all kinds of lifestyles with the adjustment of just a few words, and that means you can use these things to improve your social media results.

So, here are six potential New Year?s resolutions for you in 2015:
1. Consider opening horizons for where your content work and skills can grow and may pay more money. Radio is a great profession for those who can survive. But 2015 is the year to focus on improving your value for your current employer and seeking out ways you can expand your skills and value to include that employer or future employers who may elevate your income.
2. Encourage yourself to learn the most you can about digital marketing, social media and how to deliver real results for your radio station, morning show, afternoon show, company, and clients in 2015.
3. Always try to key on what you are grateful for in your life and minimize your focus on short-term setbacks. This will change the design of your glide path to future successes.
4. Reapply the old school notion that the more you help others in your station, cluster, company, and industry, the more you will be likely to reach your dreams and beyond.
5. Be encouraged to think of your job as being content creators, instead of only on-air personalities, program directors, or promotions and marketing peeps. When you open your mind to possibilities, you become more versatile.
6. Ask for help in all areas where you feel you can become better. This includes social media and digital, but it can also be in the area of studying the behavior of listeners, bosses, clients, and anyone you care to influence in the future.

2015 could be your break-out year. Technology is rapidly changing things for listeners, but talent is still critical. Either at your station, cluster, or company, in the radio industry or elsewhere. Having a great attitude and believing in yourself are powerful. Focusing on what you're grateful for is a booster to creating more opportunity with your career because your life will always seem better (to others and to yourself). That's attractive.

Everything you learn makes you potentially more marketable. Everything you master gives you more to showcase about what makes you special. If these are not your New Year's resolutions, fine. Maybe they can give you ideas as to where to start, but I encourage you to have some resolutions and follow-through for a great year.

Radio gets its power from being local. Hey, you?re local. You get your power by being the most valuable employee, personality, programmer, marketing person, salesperson, or manager you can be. Growth is the key to giving yourself an edge. Growth starts with goals or resolutions. You're already on your way.

Loyd Ford is the digital revenue, direct marketing, ratings and social media strategist for Rainmaker Pathway and Americalist Direct Marketing.  Loyd has programmed very successful radio brands in markets of all sizes, including KRMD AM & FM in Shreveport, and WSSL and WMYI in Greenville, WKKT in Charlotte and WBEE in Rochester, NY. Learn more about Loyd here: Get his radio-social media content sent directly to your smart phone or email for free here: Reach out to Loyd via e-mail HERE.

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