Forecast 2013, November 28 at the Harvard Club in New York, will kick off with its annual outlooks and predictions for the country and for media expenditures by highly respected analysts and industry experts. This year, their guidance will also set the stage for the most in depth analyses and strategic deliberations ever presented in sessions at the Forecast summit.
In a groundbreaking agenda (www.radioinkforecast.com), Forecast 2013 takes the predictions and prognostications beyond the theoretical to the strategy of execution. How does radio get beyond customary boundaries and find its way to a larger share of all media expenditures? What can we learn from agency heads, who control billions in ad revenues, about what they look for in media? This is just one of the topics that will be tackled at Forecast 2013. A panel of some of the biggest names in the world of advertising, who oversee the marketing of the nation's biggest brands, will be announced soon. You'll know the names. Will they know your or are you and your company one of those they say they seldom, if ever, see? Forecast 2013 will provide an opportunity to meet these powerful ad executives in the summit's traditional "no press", intimate setting and limited (200) seating.Forecast 2013 is co-chaired by Bob PIttman of Clear Channel (pictured left), and Bill
Koenigsberg (pictured right) of Horizon Media. Watch your email for exciting announcements and more information about Forecast 2013 this week. Register for Forecast HERE. To see the Forecast agenda, go HERE