The syndicated Rick & Bubba Show conducted a two-day Radiothon with World Vision that resulted in over 900 children being sponsored and $1.2 million raised. Since 2009, Rick & Bubba have helped find sponsors for over 3,500 kids and raised over $4.5 million.
Rick Burgess and Bill ?Bubba? Bussey commented, ?When you are given a platform like we have with this show, it's things like the World Vision Radiothon that really matter. At the end of our lives it's the things we do for the kingdom of God that will judge whether we were truly successful or not. God has given us an audience that gets that and to think that a little over 30 dollars a month is now going to be sent to families that make an average of 80 dollars a year all over the world is powerful. It's humbling to think that somehow we are allowed to be part of something that made a difference. Isn't that what we all hope to achieve in this business??
Rick and Bubba are syndicated by Syndicated Solutions, Inc. and are heard on over 60 stations.
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