"We have no date to provide to you today." That was the answer from Arbitron when asked when online ratings would be ready for broadcasters to combine with their over-the-air ratings. As listeners continue to migrate more to digital, listening to audio online, on tablets and on smartphones, radio salespeople are still without any consistent data to provide advertisers to show them that radio is a part of that migration and listeners are not simply moving on to other products like Pandora and Spotify and Slacker.
"Those discussions are occurring with our customers and we are gathering the log files. We don't have any big news to report because we are doing it on a client by client basis."
The only other information Arbitron was willing to share about online ratings was that they are "definitely in the process" of coming up with a service that includes ratings from streaming. "We are working with customers to come up with a total radio audience measurement service that includes both over the air AM/FM broadcasts as well as online streaming and be able to see the pieces both individually and together in local markets, and nationally across the country. "We have been in discussion with a number of our clients to be able to capture their streaming data, their log files from their content delivery networks. Our plan is to create what we will call Alpha and Beta reports which are preliminary reports to give the client a sense of what they would see and then build those out into an ultimate service."
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