The Hispanic population is the fastest-growing and youngest segment of the U.S. population. And Hispanics are highly social online. According to new stats released by eMarketer, in 2012 68.9 percent of Hispanics were using social networks, compared with 66.2 percent of the total U.S. population. And social tools, once in Hispanics? hands, become more than just a way to communicate with far-flung relatives and friends.
Hispanics are also more likely than the general population to use social media to query their social networks about products and retailers, according to a June 2012 study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, and slightly more likely to write product reviews than the general population. In addition, the mobile Internet plays a major role in Hispanics' shopping: Their use of mobile and smartphones while shopping is higher than any other ethnic group, according to a March 2012 Terra Networks and comScore study.
And they are more likely than other ethnic groups to use their devices in-store for a variety of activities, including comparing product prices, texting or calling a family member about a product, and looking for coupons.
Read the entire eMarketer piece HERE