Has the Country format tilted too much to the mainstream? Zac Brown and Gary Allan believe so and are quoted saying some very critical things about the format. Allan went as far as putting part of the blame on Cumulus and Clear Channel. ?I don?t feel like I make music for a genre anymore. I did 10, 15 years ago. But since the Clear Channels and the Cumulus? and the big companies bought up all the chains, now it?s about a demographic. You used to be able to turn on the radio and you knew it was a country station just by listening to it. Now, you?ve got to leave it there for a second to figure it out.?
Zac Brown said, "What we do is not necessarily traditional country, but we play all of our own instruments, we write the best songs that we can, and we put harmony on the songs, we have a real band?a lot of it?s just about subject matter. We really write about real life, songs that come from life and our heart. To me country music has always been the home for a great song. If I hear one more tailgate in the moonlight, daisy duke song, I?m gonna throw up. There?s songs out there on the radio right now that make me be ashamed to be even in the same format as some other artists.?
The Zac Brown and Allan quotes appear in CMIL.
Brown was asked about Luke Bryan's latest hit song. ?I love Luke Bryan and he?s had some great songs, but this new song is the worst song I?ve ever heard. I know Luke, he?s a friend. ['That's] My Kinda Night? is one of the worst songs I?ve ever heard. I see it being commercially successful, in what is called country music these days, but I also feel like that the people deserve something better than that."
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