Four foundations and three individuals are giving NPR $17 Million in grants and donations. The money will be used to extend NPR?s coverage of issues such as education, global health and development, and race, ethnicity and culture ? and fund NPR and six Member Stations ? KPCC, KQED, MPR, WBUR, WHYY and WNYC.
The grants and donations are coming from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Wallace Foundation and Ford Foundation, and individual contributions from Paul Haaga, acting President & CEO of NPR Paul Haaga and Heather Haaga; William Poorvu, former Vice Chair of the NPR Foundation and Trustee emeritus, and Lia Poorvu; and Howard Stevenson, former Chair of the NPR Board and NPR Foundation Trustee, and Fredericka Stevenson. Each will be investing in specific elements of the journalism and innovation strategy.
?This support will allow NPR to build transformative platforms that secure the future of public media journalism, and represents a powerful vote of confidence for that vision,? said Kinsey Wilson, NPR?s Chief Content Officer who leads its news, programming, music and digital teams. ?We?ll be able to dive deep into issues that are at the center of people?s lives, and drive tremendous innovation in how we engage people with those issues.?
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