Every year, the nationally syndicated Bert Show sets a goal of collecting enough handwritten Thank You letters from around the country so they can be sent to every service person deployed outside the United States. Since its inception, The Bert Show?s ?Big Thank You? campaign has collected more than one million handwritten letters. This year the show collected 175,000 letters from 49 states. School systems, corporations and celebrities have shown their support by writing personalized letters and encouraging students, customers and fans to do the same. All letters were sent out on Monday in order for soldiers to receive the letters on Thanksgiving Day.
Bert Weiss (pictured left) said, ?It is incredibly exciting to see the growing success of our Big Thank You campaign. I continue to receive nothing but positive feedback and gratitude from our troops, veterans and their families for our efforts to show them that they are appreciated. I would like to say thank every single person who participated this year, making it possible to reach our goal of providing every deployed troop with a handwritten letter of thanks.?
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