Rob Garguilo had been the producer for Rover's Morning Glory show in Cleveland. Recently he took a similar job with Tampa morning man Mike Calta from Cox's 102.5 The Bone. Garguilo's girlfriend Sarah and their two children, Ben, 4 (pictured), and Serena, just five weeks old, moved with him to Florida. On Monday, Sarah, Ben and Serena were struck by a car as they crossed a street in Largo, Florida. Ben and Serena were airlifted to a local hospital. Garguilo posted a message via Twitter on Tuesday evening: ?Serena is on life support. She isn?t able to breathe on her own and isn?t showing any signs of brain activity. Please say a prayer for her.?
Rover has setup a donation page on GoFundMe.com to benefit Rob and his family. All funds raised will be given directly to the Garguilo family and will aid in medical costs and expenses related to this tragedy. The fund has collected more than $14,000 in its first eleven hours. Rover said, ?Our fans have experienced every intimate moment of Rob?s life with Sarah and their children on the air for the past five years. Even though he?s no longer part of the show, he?s considered family and they have stepped up to support him in this time of need.? Donations may be made directly at http://www.gofundme.com/RoverRadioRob