Here are two more sources of radio sales magic: signing your name, and getting your customers to sign theirs. It?s not a mystery that both these signatures show interest, commitment, and ownership.
Everyone who?s ever bought a car is familiar with this concept. Here?s an example: You?re in a dealer?s showroom and you have your eye on a $25,000 sedan. You?ve just made a no-hope offer of $16,500. Does the sales rep tell you what a stupid, unrealistic offer that is, and that you should be ashamed of yourself?
Absolutely not!
What he does do, is tell you that he will ?write it up? and take it to the sales manager and fight for you. You sign your name, showing your interest to own the car today. You?re 90 percent sold, but you don?t even know it. He?s gone for 10-15 minutes (probably doesn?t even speak to his sales manager!) While he?s gone, you begin daydreaming about how the car will look in your driveway ? you?re wanting it a little more now.
When he returns, he?s carrying a ?counter offer? saying the dealership has $21,200 in the car, and couldn?t part with it for a penny less. You wince, frown, shake your head and say, ?Well, the highest I can go is $19,250.?
Does he yell at you and say, ?Didn?t you just hear me say we have $21,200 in the car, moron?!? No! Instead, he says, ?Let?s rip up the first contract and write another for your offer of $19,250. I?ll take it in there and explain how much you want the car and how you?re willing to work with us.?
Again, you sign your name. Now you?re really getting attached to the car, feeling you?re really close to owning it. Your daydreams are getting more vivid!
When he returns, he has a big smile on his face, raising your hopes even further. But what he says is: ?The sales manager got really nasty with me for coming back to him with less than $21,200. At first he said ?No way ? get outta here!? but I hung in there and took his abuse, and by golly, I got you a deal I?ve never gotten for anybody before!?
Your brain leaps into high gear and you calculate that you were $1,950 apart when he went back to his sales manager, and now with the extra options, (you haven?t even asked what they are?floor mats and a high-tech wax job) you?re only $760 apart, so the dealer has come more than half way to your number. Bam! You?re driving away.
Your signing your name made all the difference in the world, and the rep knew he had you all along.
Same with a radio client. If he says he won?t pay your rates, ask him what he will pay. No matter how ridiculous, say, ?Let?s write it up and I?ll take it to my sales manager.? In this case, it?s even more important than the auto dealership, because his signature ?freezes? him, so he can?t give your money to another station while you?re away discussing it with your manager ? because he knows that if your manager approves it, he?s obligated.
Once his signature is on the contract form, you can go back and forth, just like the car sales rep.
In radio sales, it?s very important to freeze the client whenever possible.
Gary Ratcliff is the owner of High Impact Communications, Inc. and a broadcast sales author.
Visit his LinkedIn page HERE.
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