In a perfect world advertisers would know exactly how many listeners your radio station has, whether they?re listening over-the-air, on their computers at work or on their phone walking down the street. The radio industry acknowledges listeners are migrating to digital devices, and the industry also knows how vital it is to measure those listeners as companies like Pandora chip away at their revenue. Nielsen is working toward making online measurement happen. Nielsen?s EVP & Managing Director of Local Media, Matt O?Grady told the Forecast crowd on Thursday that a new software development kit, that will measure digital listening, is being tested with several radio groups.
The software is installed on the radio station?s streaming player and/or app. And, through a partnership with Facebook, Nielsen collects demographics to provide overnight numbers. When the system becomes widely available to radio, stations will be able to provide reach, demos, duration of listening and location of online listening to advertisers. O?Grady says even if the money is not there yet, the audience is there and there?s enormous value in front of radio.?
We'll have more coverage of our Forecast event Friday morning in our morning headlines
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