On Monday, Entercom?s WRKO hosted a radiothon from the Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center that included moving stories from veterans, their families and Fisher House staff. When the event ended, over $115,000 had been raised for The Fisher House and their continued efforts to provide a safe and welcoming environment for veterans and their families as they stay in Boston to receive medical treatment. When the total was at $98,000, Entercom CEO David Field called in with a $2,000 donation to get it to the $100K mark.
Entercom Boston Vice President/Market Manager Phil Zachary said the end result is proof that talk radio isn?t just viable in 2014, it?s vital. ?When I hear rumblings that talk radio is on the wane and then see crowds turn out and give as they did for the Fisher House Radiothon, I wonder just what the naysayers are smoking. Jeff, Barry, Bill Cooksey and the entire ?RKO team leveraged the umbilical connection they enjoy with their listeners and in just 13 hours forever changed the quality of life for Massachusetts? greatest heroes and their families.?
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