The December 16 issue of Radio Ink is chock full of editorial on the popularity and listener passion for Sports Talk radio. One of our reports highlights how meaty issues rain out of the sky on a daily basis for sports talkers. Now we hear that parodies done at CBS' WJFK in Washington, DC, have so riled up the owner of the Washington Redskins, the team threatened a lawsuit. The Radio vs. Redskins fight received national coverage, including the Washington Post.
WJFK host Danny Rouhier and producer Ajay Atay have been hammering the Redskins, who are having an awful season, in weekly parody bits. The bits make fun of everything from the team's poor showing on the field to high prices and long lines. Team spokesman Tony Wyllie complained to WJFK's Grant Paulsen. The Post reports Wyllie said the routines were malicious -- so malicious that they could prompt legal action by the Redskins. The paper reports that Wylie said, "All we did was ask questions about what they were doing. Once they said it was all in jest, we were fine with it. I have a sense of humor, like everyone else. It's a joke, and I take it as a joke. Once they said it was all a joke, that's all there was to it."
The owner of the team, Daniel Snyder (pictured), owns ESPN980, which carries the Redskins games. WJFK plans to continue airing the bits.
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