by Loyd Ford
1. Fully develop a very specific social media strategy for your radio station. It should involve specific goals, community service, pushing listeners back to your dot com and on air radio brand and having specific plans for content by percentage so you have good balance.
2. Train your staff on your social media plan. Social media can be intimidating, but you can make it easy for staff. Make sure everyone knows your goals and has an easy path to contribute regularly.
3. Put your content on a diet. Slim down your content. Constantly make it an important goal to reduce the number of words and increase effectiveness.
4. Give listeners a reason to join you in 2012. It can?t be all about you either. Make one of your resolutions to constantly encourage listener engagement on their ground, their causes and what they get excited about.
5. Put more into your station website. Yes, even if it is complicated to change, difficult to deal with and so corporate that it makes you crazy. This is a visual representation of your brand on the internet. No matter how difficult it is to improve, this is a resolution worth fighting for in 2012. While I am ?at it,? make sure you have a direct link to and from Facebook and other social media platforms.
6. Make it your goal to really improve your loyal listener email and stop sending only station sales department blah, blahs. Take back this potentially exciting communication feature for programming and really work to send better content. By the way, I am not saying ?Don?t send advertisements.? I am saying incorporate advertising into your much better loyal listener email.
7. Keep learning new ways to explore and explode your social media efforts. Knowledge really is power. The more you learn, the more power you have. Make it count by constantly learning more. New Year?s is a great time for renewal. There are a lot of challenges in your work. Making your efforts really count in social media can have a powerful impact on your employment, your community involvement and even your ratings in 2012. So, Happy New Year!
Loyd Ford programmed very successful radio brands in markets of all sizes for years, including KRMD AM & FM in Shreveport, WSSL and WMYI in Greenville, WKKT in Charlotte and WBEE in Rochester, NY. Learn more about Loyd here: http://about.me/loydford.
Reach out to Loyd via e-mail HERE
Visit his Facebook radio social media page www.facebook.com/socialnetworking4radio
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