Premiere's After MidNite hosted by Blair Garner has started the Third Shift Awards. Winners in 10 categories will be chosen via a bracket-style voting contest on http://www.aftermidnite.com/. Categories include: Fanatical Fans (the artist with the most fanatical fans); 3rd Shift Pin Up ? Female; 3rd Shift Pin Up ? Male; Pop-A-Top Award; 3rd Shifter Artist of the Year; 3rd Shifter Song of the Year; Pedal to the Medal Award (the song most likely to get you a speeding ticket); Underdog Artist (the artist deserving of more respect); Top Twit (the artist who gives good Twitter); and Fantasy Duet (living artists only).
Garner said, ?In the spirit of After MidNite, we have created 10 fun categories for our listeners, many of whom work the third shift, to vote for their favorite artists,? said Garner. ?It?s a twist on some of the more traditional categories. For example, we have the ?Fantasy Duet? category where you can vote for your ideal duet pairing of two living artists who have never recorded together. We also have the ?Pop-A-Top? category for the artist you?d most like to share a beer with.?
The top four nominees in each category will advance to round two, with voting taking place July 31 - August 12. The top two finalists will then go head to head August 14 - 22 in the final round. The Third Shift Award winners will be announced live on After MidNite the morning of August 29.
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