By Chris Miller
Did you see Radio Ink's recent interview with John Tesh? He had some practical advice for radio folks about using digital tools. Only thing is?he never actually mentioned the word "digital." So let me connect the dots.
The informational and inspirational content on the Tesh show is one of the things that makes it unique. As John explains, "If it doesn't move you forward in your life, if it doesn't cause you to make a difference in someone else's life, then we won't put it on the radio.?"Having clear boundaries like that is important when it comes to what you put on the Web. That's especially true in your social media. It takes effort to find and post the right content for your radio station. That is the stuff that makes your brand unique, however, and that appeals to your biggest fans.
John goes on to say, "If people can't describe what they've heard in two sentences, then we won't put it on the air."
Clarity and brevity are crucial online, too. People scan instead of read. Ruthlessly edit your Facebook posts to help ensure they get read. A Web page with a few bullet points is usually more effective than tons of well-written copy.
"We've really tried to establish a show that is not just a radio show, but hopefully a lifestyle," John says, talking about how he and his people live the "Intelligence For Your Life" descriptor of the show. You may not be able to create your own lifestyle. However, you can manage your brand so your website updates and social media posts express what you mean to people. If you?re an AC station who targets stressed-out working moms, how often do you post content to help them with their busy lives? If you're a Country station with rock-ribbed American values, how often do you let those values shine through to show the good you're doing in town? The benefits you offer and the values you express will be what drives online engagement?not posts like, "Hey, how are you enjoying this sunny Monday?"
Talking about some of the show?s clients, John says, "People really want creative ways to present their brand or their products." Online, we have all sorts of creative freedom to bring clients and listeners together in a way that benefits both. Start by thinking about your station's bigger direct clients. One reason they advertise with you is because your target buys and uses their product. So, your target audience is predisposed to like both your station and your client's product! Now, how can you bring them together in special ways that's more than ordinary spots and promotional tie-ins?
I see stations put links to their clients in social media. You can do so much better than that. Spend some time brainstorming what you can do with your digital tools to please your fans by giving them special access to, or special deals with, your major clients.
Chris Miller has been a major-market PD in Atlanta, Portland and Cleveland. He now operates Chris Miller Digital, which he launched. Visit his website at www.chrismillerdigital.com.
Contact Chris via e-mail, chris@chrismillerdigital.com or 216-236-3955.
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