I worked for CBS several years ago. I know just how hard they try to avoid legal trouble. So I can only imagine the [expletive deleted] storm that occurred internally, leading up to the $10K fine that the FCC levied on CBS?s Urban AC in Charlotte, WBAV. You can read broadcast attorney David Oxenford's analysis of the situation for Radio Ink here.
This news is certainly being circulated to radio staffs all over the country with the instructions to be extra-careful that we do what we say we?ll do when we run contests. Instead of adding to anyone?s workload, here?s how you can use your digital tools to simplify your workday when it comes to special content and events that you?re promoting on all your different platforms.
Once you post the copy of your contest rules, make that the only copy you work with. If you have a special Web page for the contest (and you should), link to the rules from it. Produce the rules promo for on-air from the online rules, and make sure everyone who might need them has a link. That means don?t circulate a different document with the rules once they?re posted. Consider the rules at the website the only real rules.
WBAV got in trouble because the contest dates in email, on the website, and on-air didn?t all line up together. Let?s solve the email part right now: send out less-wordy emails. For the ?Carolina Cuties? contest that resulted in a fine, all you would say in your email is, ?Do you have Charlotte?s cutest baby? You could win blah-blah-blah and show off your kid on v1019.com. Learn how to enter and win ?Carolina Cuties? here.? The word ?here? is a link back to the special Web page you?ve already created for this contest. That Web page shows what you can win and how to enter, and has a link to the official rules. You?re centralizing the information, which means less of a chance of someone freelancing on important details.
By the way, a huge benefit of writing less and linking more in your email is that people then tend to open them up and read them more often!
I know, the last thing you want is another meeting. But this one will actually save you time throughout the week.
Hold a weekly half-hour focus meeting for those, and only those, who are your key content providers. Those are the people who really impact what happens on the air, on your website, and in social media. Keep the list as small, yet inclusive, as you can. Then, each week, run through the major topics you?re going to focus on in the coming week: contests, concerts, appearances, special programming, key personality show bits, whatever. Talk about how they fit together: ?We?ll announce this contest on Facebook and in email a day before we start promoting it on the air on Thursday. That means the Web page needs to be ready Tuesday morning so we can see it, and the promos need to be done by Wednesday. I?m writing the copy and I?ll have it to you later today.? Brainstorm, coordinate, and prioritize. It?s project management for all your content platforms, and this will focus everyone?s to-do list for the week, leading to less confusion and fewer sloppy mistakes all around.
Chris Miller has been a major-market PD in Atlanta, Portland and Cleveland. He now operates Chris Miller Digital, which he launched. Visit his website at www.chrismillerdigital.com.
Contact Chris via e-mail, chris@chrismillerdigital.com or 216-236-3955.
For more articles from Chris Miller go HERE.
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