November 28, 2012
Arbitron's Custom Sports Services has introduced a new PPM metric, the Event Retention Index. The ERI can, Arbitron said, provide more clarity on the extent to which audiences stayed tuned in to sports broadcasts.
The ERI estimates the proportion of a station's audience that stays tuned for the complete quarter hours during a game, relative to the average of the top 20 stations in its market, Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-7 p.m. An ERI of 120 would indicate listeners are 20 percent more likely to stay tuned for all 15 minutes of a quarter hour than the average of the top 20 stations.
Arbitron Sports Manager Chris Meinhardt said, "The Event Retention Index can provide tangible evidence that people who listen to sports broadcasts 'stick around' during games and are more likely to be exposed to advertising during the broadcast."
Arbitron measured ERI during the 2010 Major League Baseball season, and found that people who listened to play-by-play were more likely to stay tuned for a complete quarter hour than listeners to typical programming among the top 20 stations. For example, people who listened to an average San Diego Padres game were 31 percent more likely to listen for the complete 15 minutes compared to the top 20 stations.
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