When radio personalities share in social media, those that are best at it are timely and listener-focused, with content that makes listeners feel smart to share that content with others. It?s one thing to say it, but why don?t we look at some potential examples that are timely? As a tease, I will say that anyone who has picked up a magazine lately knows how well it works to talk about the five or the three best things in any category.
So, we will add numbers to the mix to jump-start your thinking about leading listeners to share your social media posts.
1. Suppose you offered five Thanksgiving cooking safety tips in advance of Thanksgiving?
2. Maybe it is as easy as offering up the Butterball Turkey hotline number and a recipe for something amazing from your family that goes well with turkey!
3. How about the 10 things all travelers should know about making their homes safe from home invasion while you are at Aunt Betty?s for Thanksgiving?
4. Present the top five places families visit in your market during Thanksgiving weekend.
5. What if you presented the five dumbest things that ever happen at a Thanksgiving family get-together? (You could even provide a video of the #1 dumbest thing).
6. Many listeners might want to share the four best ways to get rid of the feeling that your eyes were bigger than your stomach? Ever eat too much at Thanksgiving?
7. How about the five best things on TV for women over the Thanksgiving holiday?
8. And why not share the six things to avoid with family during your Thanksgiving weekend?
Oh, and always: pictures, pictures, pictures! Have fun with your posts, make sure you are focused on the listeners and what they get from your content, make it visual and encourage them to share. Whenever possible, make it local-based content. This will encourage local use of your content in sharing.
Rich content will be shared if your focus is on the benefit your audience will receive (and not always just on the radio station benefit). Let your personality shine, but focus it on being helpful and making your listeners look smart for sharing your content. It might help your social media in ways you couldn?t imagine before.
Loyd Ford is the direct marketing, ratings and social media strategist for Americalist and programmed very successful radio brands in markets of all sizes for years, including KRMD AM & FM in Shreveport, WSSL and WMYI in Greenville, WKKT in Charlotte and WBEE in Rochester, NY. Learn more about Loyd here: http://about.me/loydford. Reach out to Loyd via e-mail HERE Visit his Facebook radio social media page HERE
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