Former broadcaster, turned blogger Rich Lieberman is getting his own radio show in the Bay area. Lieberman has become sort of a media critic in the San Francisco area, using his contacts, at times, to break stories about the media in and around San Francisco. His weekly program will be heard on Michael Zwerling's KSCO and KOMY beginning this Saturday night. We spoke to Lieberman about the show.
Tell us about your radio background
My radio background: I was sports reporter for K-101 Radio, (FM) in SF at the age of 19 in 1981. I covered sports for Mutual Broadcasting and was a Bay Area correspondent for ABC Radio, AP Radio and the CBC in the late 1980's and early 90's. And as I've indicated, I've been
How did your new show come about?
Michael Zwerling, the KSCO and KOMY was a fan of my blog, (415Media: http://www.richliebermanreport.blogspot.com), and was convinced that I could bring quality content to his enterprises. I did a lot of fill-in and he was open to providing me a forum where my fans of the blog could listen to me.
When does it start and what will it be about?
The show starts Sat., Nov. 24 and Sunday Nov. 25 from 8-11 PM PST. I asked for that time slot because I like the idea of night-time radio and more of a free-form style. It will be about "everything." We'll be live. We'll discuss what's topical. Being that it's the "Black Friday" weekend I'm going to rant on the absurdity of this growing phenomena in America that is pure lunatic. I'll elaborate.
Where do you want this show to go?
I want this show to grow to syndication. I'll be the brand. No gimmicks, straight-forward, no sound drops, no bizarro stuff--just real, genuine, talk, discussion, surprises and some intense interviews, my specialties. So we might be light, but if a hot topic emerges, we may be heavy. What's not to like?
Why will it be of any interest to regular listeners?
Because regular listeners always want good content and live, original programming, which lacks in a lot of today's radio. I'll deliver on that.
How can people listen? Will it be streamed?
Yes, the show has a streaming audio link: http://ksco2.got.net/komylive.m3u ...so anybody, including all my 415 Media followers will be able to listen and take part.
How can you get passed the thought of some that you are just a Cumulus hater?
I've moved forward. It's all about business. Cumulus is a business and has managed to gobble up over 500 radio stations. Great. It's a free country. Time to think about the future. So if you think I'm going to use my show to rip Cumulus, don't listen--that's not on the itinerary. I'm ready to move on.
Read Lieberman's blog HERE
Reach out to Lieberman about his new show HERE
(11/21/2012 7:03:22 PM)
Let's hope Amici's sponsors the show. Best of luck Rich.
(11/21/2012 5:43:13 PM)
It is Bay Area (a proper noun), not Bay area.
(11/21/2012 1:09:48 PM)
Watch this guy, a rising star in talk radio.
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