As a result of Hurricane Sandy, Arbitron has decided not to release data from Week 4 of the November 2012 reporting period (November 1-November 7). The decision was made because a substantial number of homes were still without power. Arbitron says about one-third of the samples on Long Island and in Middlesex-Somerset-Union were unavailable during that week. Arbitron says those factors and "other performance metrics" resulted in the decision not to produce Week 4. Here is a look at exactly what Arbitron sent to subscribers.
On October 29, during the November 2012 report period (October 11-November 7), Hurricane Sandy moved through the eastern seaboard, causing widespread damage and extended power outages. During the last two days of Week 3 (October 25-October 31) and throughout Week 4 (November 1-November 7), a substantial number of homes remained without power. Arbitron has carefully monitored Average Daily In-Tab and other PPM performance metrics for each market throughout this period.
New York, Nassau-Suffolk, and Middlesex-Somerset-Union
The New York Metro includes the embedded metros of Nassau-Suffolk and Middlesex-Somerset-Union. As a result of the storm, approximately one-third of the targeted in-tab sample in Nassau-Suffolk and Middlesex-Somerset-Union was unavailable during Week 4. In addition, average daily in-tab rates were substantially lower for Week 4 in these embedded metros than during unaffected weeks in recent currency reports.
These factors, combined with other performance metrics, resulted in a decision to not produce PPM estimates for Week 4 for Nassau-Suffolk and Middlesex-Somerset-Union. Since the New York Metro includes the Nassau-Suffolk and Middlesex-Somerset-Union Metros, the unavailability of these metros impacts the sample performance of the New York Metro. As a result, Week 4 PPM estimates for New York will not be produced.
November 2012 PPM Reports
The November 2012 reports for New York, Nassau-Suffolk, and Middlesex-Somerset-Union will be based exclusively on November Weeks 1, 2, and 3 (October 11-October 31). Arbitron plans to release these reports on Monday, November 27, as originally scheduled.
The November 2012 report for all PPM markets other than New York, Nassau-Suffolk, and Middlesex-Somerset-Union will be based on the standard four-week November report period. Arbitron plans to release these reports as originally scheduled.
November Week 4 Weeklies
Arbitron will not be releasing November Week 4 Weeklies estimates for New York, Nassau-Suffolk, and Middlesex-Somerset-Union. Week 4 Metro audience estimates will not be available for those markets in any Arbitron service.
November Week 4 Weeklies estimates for all PPM markets other than New York, Nassau-Suffolk, and Middlesex-Somerset-Union are scheduled to release at the same time as November monthly estimates.
December Week 1 Weeklies
Arbitron will continue reaching out to panelists in affected markets throughout the December report period and to closely monitor performance metrics. We expect to be able to notify clients the week of November 26 regarding the status of December Week 1 Weeklies estimates for New York, Nassau-Suffolk, and Middlesex-Somerset-Union.
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