Steve Rattner's insight and perspective post election have been highly sought after since last Tuesday. Over the past week, Rattner, who oversaw the auto industry bailout and chairs the "Campaign to Fix the Debt," has been interviewed by major news outlets including CBS, CNN and CNBC. What does Rattner think of the political environment now that the election is over? How does he view the threat that the country will fall over the "fiscal cliff" and what does he believe the chances are that an agreement will be reached first? Find out at Forecast 2013 later this month.
Rattner knows the players and understands all aspects of the stakes. Because he has been there, his views are uniquely qualified and grounded in experience and knowledge. Forecast 2013 is your opportunity to get Steve Rattner's view on these and other issues, up close and personal when Bloomberg Radio's Ken Prewitt and Tom Keene interview him at the Forecast luncheon. The interview is part a Forecast agenda that focuses on some of the most serious issues ever facing the country and their impact on radio since the summit began ten years ago.
Forecast is closed to the press. The only way to hear what Steve Rattner, John Bogle, Glenn Beck and other participants have to say is to be there. Register today at www.radioinkforecast.com/. Seats are limited.