What is Radio's Sales Problem?
It's been a flat to slightly up revenue year for most of radio in 2012. Lower comps and high hopes for an abundance of political advertising revenue set the bar high for the year and it appears the industry will fall short of its expectations. Why is that and how did it happen? What's going on out there on the street and how can things be turned around and revved up in 2013? Is radio destined to be a flat to slightly up industry as TV and Digital make gains at our expense?
We asked Dave Gifford and Matt Sunshine all of these questions hoping to give you more ideas on how to improve your sales game immediately. Gifford and Sunshine are out in the field every day working with salespeople and listening to the feedback they get from clients about radio. We hope you'll be able to use some of what they say to get an edge over your competitors starting today.
Listen to our latest Sales Meeting Podcast HERE
How to reach our guests:
Dave Gifford
Matt Sunshine
(11/13/2012 7:17:15 PM)
Have you listened to radio lately?
As Adam Savage of Mythbusters is wont to say "There's your problem."
It gets worse, friends. We are no longer in a position to produce the necessary quality of commercials it will take to impact and influence an audience.
The argument can be made we never were in that position because of a lack of understanding of how the medium actually works.
In other words, even if the sales departments could get their own acts together, they will still be hitting the streets with empty sacks of "air time" rather than a bag of "solutions".
YES THEY DO. As an agency, I'm shocked how bad Radio is compared to Television, Cable and everything Digital. It's all about beating the other Radio stations. Help you by taking me to lunch? It's time Radio grew up.
(11/12/2012 9:55:15 AM)
stop doing the paperwork.
train, sell, produce.
dont do ANY paperwork.
produce results.
hire a paperwork person when you get 3 months behind and are producing 3 months ahead. (11/12/2012 8:30:58 AM)
As a manager, I am so buried in corporate BS and the companies ass-covering paperwork that it is almost impossible to find time to do what we are supposed to do amist all of those wonderful "action plans" and that is to GENERATE REVENUE.
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