Paul Castronovo has been hanging out behind a radio microphone for over 30 years. That's three decades in a job that's mostly sedentary. Castronovo and partner Ron Brewer are now doing mornings in South Florida for Clear Channel. The duo has been together since 1991. We spoke to Castronovo about his spectacular weight loss success and what prompted him to make changes to his lifestyle.
How much weight did you lose and how long did it take you?
Typical radio guy with bad habits here. Up at 4 a.m., run out the door, eat crap from clients, or starve until the show's over. Eat a bad, heavy lunch, take a nap, eat dinner, pass out. Do it again the next day. Finally, around two years ago, the Miami Dolphins challenged me to do a 30-mile bike ride for cancer, and since my wife is a breast cancer survivor, I couldn't say no. I started out slowly, 10 miles a few days a week, until I worked myself up to do the big ride. Now, I'm down 100 pounds, and would consider myself an avid cyclist.
How do you feel after losing all that weight, compared to having it all on you?
I tell you what feels good, all the hot babes that are throwing themselves at me, it's getting ridiculous, it's a curse really. No, the truth is, I am a different guy now and tend to be a lot more active.
What's your plan to keep it off?
I've got a personal trainer that I train with three days a week at the gym. (I'm paying him, so you know I'm not gonna blow it off!). The other days, I'll ride the bike. Listen, I love to eat and drink, hell, I own a vineyard in Italy (www.castronovovineyards.com) so, I eat healthy Monday to Friday and I go out to dinner on the weekends. It's a pretty simple plan, but it works for me.
Radio isn't exactly a strenuous line of work?
Hey, I have to walk all the way to the bathroom! I've all but banned the free food that the restaurants and clients want to throw at us every damn morning. It's so easy to slide into that. I eat every three hours, but I am eating healthy stuff. There's a company down here that delivers healthy, quality, fresh foods to my house.
Have you become a fitness preacher now?
Oh yeah, I'm annoying the hell out of my radio partner, Ron, but I don't throw it in my listeners' faces. There's nothing worse than being "that guy."
What advice can you give other radio people about how to try to stay fit and healthy at a job that's mostly sedentary?
Seriously, get the food right and make exercise a priority. It's just what I do Monday to Friday. They say 90 percent of it is diet, and I believe that. Pay for a trainer and have them help you get your metabolism going.
Congratulate Castronovo on his weight loss success HERE
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