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We've heard a lot over the past year about lost jobs, too much consolidation, radio sounding more and more like an iPod and the diminishing voices of talented local DJ's and news anchors. When interviewing small market broadcasters who are entrenched in their communities, those topics are never part of the dialogue. What you hear a lot of is passion, excitement and how to sell hamburgers. That last phrase might not make sense to you. Yet. When you listen to our interview with Mike Hulvey from Neuhoff Communications and Patrick Communications CEO Larry Patrick, it will make a lot of sense. Hulvey and Patrick are small market operators with big - and unique - ideas on how to make radio rock in small communities. We guarantee you are going to steal a few of their ideas if you listen to this podcast. Small market success stories is a focus of our January 21st issue of Radio Ink magazine. We couldn't wait that long to share these great ideas with you.