The radio industry might want to figure out this digital/Internet/mobile advertising thing right quick. Ad spending on mobile is increasing faster than most analysts predicted. Hold on to you fedora as it may come flying off when you see these new predictions just out from eMarketer.
eMarketer expects overall spending on mobile advertising in the U.S,. including display, search, and messaging-based ads served to mobile phones and tablets, to rise 180 percent this year to top $4 billion. eMarketer?s previous forecast, made in September 2012, was only $2.61 billion. eMarketer has also significantly raised its expectations for future years. The company says U.S. mobile ad spending should hit $7.19 billion next year and nearly $21 billion by 2016.
Read the entire eMarkter piece HERE
If you are serious about your station's digital revenue future you should be registering for Convergence
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