We apologize for telling you two weeks ago that Todd Schnitt would be leaving WFLA in Tampa after a 20 year run at the station. After Clear Channel made its latest round of layoffs, it appears the new alignment of management is more to Schnitt's liking and he is staying. Clear Channel VP of Programming Doug Hammond is quoted in the Tampa Bay Times, "We got together and had a great talk and we worked out a new deal. I think (Schnitt's) in a happy place and so are we."
(12/14/2012 7:27:56 PM)
Looks like someone had a Schnitt fit.
(12/14/2012 10:38:30 AM)
Hey Schitt...congrats..... you would have been a helluva vice president with Romney. Oh well,4 more years with Obama, just sayin.... there might be some type of government assistance for radio talk hosts..... but we sure appreciate it comments I feel Obama would veto any Schittisum.. maybe you could move your station to Washington so you could smoke pot on the show..... right? cool dude.... we love you n Savh. apparently I am in a state of Schittivity.Is that legal?
(12/14/2012 10:38:01 AM)
Hey Schitt...congrats..... you would have been a helluva vice president with Romney. Oh well,4 more years with Obama, just sayin.... there might be some type of government assistance for radio talk hosts..... but we sure appreciate it comments I feel Obama would veto any Schittisum.. maybe you could move your station to Washington so you could smoke pot on the show..... right? cool dude.... we love you n Savh. apparently I am in a state of Schittivity.Is that legal?
(12/14/2012 10:37:32 AM)
Hey Schitt...congrats..... you would have been a helluva vice president with Romney. Oh well,4 more years with Obama, just sayin.... there might be some type of government assistance for radio talk hosts..... but we sure appreciate it comments I feel Obama would veto any Schittisum.. maybe you could move your station to Washington so you could smoke pot on the show..... right? cool dude.... we love you n Savh. apparently I am in a state of Schittivity.Is that legal?
(12/14/2012 10:35:58 AM)
Hey Schitt...congrats..... you would have been a helluva vice president with Romney. Oh well,4 more years with Obama, just sayin.... there might be some type of government assistance for radio talk hosts..... but we sure appreciate it comments I feel Obama would veto any Schittisum.. maybe you could move your station to Washington so you could smoke pot on the show..... right? cool dude.... we love you n Savh. apparently I am in a state ofSchittivity
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