One of the most popular pages of Radio Ink Magazine is our "Blast From The Past" page. In every issue we include a classic photograph of old radio studios, dated radio equipment or weird looking station vehicles on remote. It's a great way to take a glance at how far the radio industry has come in technology Send your favorite radio memory to edryantheeditor@gmail.com.
(12/18/2012 3:33:53 PM)
"Brazil: Test Tech Before it is Implemented"
"After extensive testing of Both HD Radio and DRM, the Secretary of the Ministry of Communications Electronic Communications, Genildo Lins, said the tests of the two technologies have had poor results, especially high power FM . The testing demonstrated the digital signal coverage is approximately 70% of the current analog signal. The future of radio is digital, but that future is not yet."
I hated spotmasters in those days and spotlighting old radio tech just typecasts the broadcasting industry as a dinosaur. Maybe the digital guys are right, after all.
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