Bob Rivers Show co-host Jodi Brothers and Executive Director Arik Korman (Jodi and Arik pictured here) from KJR FM in Seattle, traveled to New Delhi and Agra, India, with World Vision in late November to visit children in need. After returning to Seattle, The Bob Rivers Show held a Radiothon December 6 to ask listeners to sponsor 300 children for about a dollar a day. Child sponsorship provides clean water, food security, medical care, and education, and matches each listener with a unique child.
Korman said, ?India is unlike any country I have ever visited. You see the entire human experience laid out right before you ? joy, sorrow, comedy, and just plain weirdness. I met a two-year-old boy named Aryan who needs a sponsor. His father works as a fruit vendor and is lucky to make a dollar a day during wintertime when fresh fruit is scarce. His family of five lives in a single 7x10 room and has to get by eating stale bread and salt. A sponsor?s help would get Aryan?s family back on its feet.?
This year?s World Vision trip to India is the seventh-consecutive year that The Bob Rivers Show has worked with World Vision to encourage child sponsorship. To date, Bob Rivers Show listeners have sponsored more than 4,300 children in more than seven countries, resulting in annual contributions of over $1.8 million to support needy children and their families. Bob Rivers Show listeners have also helped build a school in Ethiopia to benefit more than 2,000 students.
Send congratulations directly to ArikKorman@clearchannel.com
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