How can you place the right amount of value on your social media efforts and do those things that are most likely to create the largest impact for your ratings and revenue? Let?s take a look at a few essential opportunities that exist for everyone and remember that those with an actual plan often win more often than those who ?wing it.?
Here are five ways to supercharge the value you get from social media for your radio station:
1. Tell your story. Storytellers and funny people advance the easiest. Telling your story in social media is essential. And if you tell a good story, your impact can increase in unpredictable ways. That adds value to ratings and value to the people who spend money advertising with your company because stories draw people in.
2. Use your social media to be visual. Visual works very well. It works in social media to gain attention (eyeballs) and it works in our business because we are really a visual creativity and content business that uses imagination over the air to create companionship.
3. Take creativity and the fun of our business (your radio station) and put it on display in social media for the people you most want to attract. Fun attracts. Fun boosts actual participation. Use it in social media.
4. Ask questions that relate to the benefits listeners get from participating in your format and with your specific radio station (and interact with them when they respond). Actual interaction with listeners encourages them, validates them and makes them feel good about you. Listeners who feel this way are about 60 ? 70 percent more likely to share your content in social media. That?s real value.
5. Use a variety of content so you are not boring (or ? worse ? only advertising!). Find ways to engage (code for talk back and forth) with local listeners about issues that are important to them in your market. This can be anything from celebrity gossip to a local charity (activity) where people can help each other do something great. It can also be contesting and appointments, but they must be mixed with other values for listeners (such as high-quality pictures of things they are interested in and things they will feel smart to share, causes and content that express how much fun it is for listeners to actually be involved with your radio station).
People in our business who say you can?t supercharge the real value you can get from social media are not educated, not open or are afraid. You don?t have to be any of that. You can create additional value that helps you build value for yourself with your listeners, your advertisers, and your employer.
Couldn?t you use a little something extra to give your station an edge in the ratings and with advertisers? Social media can do that, but only if you work it. Go get ?em!
Loyd Ford is the direct marketing, ratings and social media strategist for Americalist and programmed very successful radio brands in markets of all sizes for years, including KRMD AM & FM in Shreveport, WSSL and WMYI in Greenville, WKKT in Charlotte and WBEE in Rochester, NY. Learn more about Loyd here: http://about.me/loydford. Reach out to Loyd via e-mail HERE Visit his Facebook radio social media page HERE
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