Pillars, by definition, are the key to support. Good radio sellers know the owner or the advertising decision-maker very well. A few of the greatest sellers I?ve ever known have developed an incredible practice of going much deeper inside their client?s businesses. When you walk into the clients of these high-caliber sellers, you quickly notice two, three, four or more people greet them by name. It is truly amazing. How did they get this job done? Is there a secret to having real depth in your client relationships?
Today, I?m going to teach you some simple steps that I want you to start doing the first time you interview a business owner. It is one of my crucial 10 client questions. When you?re interviewing an owner or manager, ask this question?.
Who are your pillars, your real right hands? I mean, the members of your team that are so important to you that if one of them resigned today, you wouldn?t sleep tonight?
Then, listen carefully and write down every name you hear! Be sure your client elaborates on each one. At the very end of your interview, when you?ve had all 10 of your questions answered, close your interview with this request?..
I am very grateful for the time you?ve given me. We?ve agreed I?ll see you one week from today at this same time. I will have done my homework and do my best to help you. By the way, is it alright if I hang around for a few minutes and shake a few hands?
I?ve learned most clients are so impressed with the 10 questions you?ve asked, that all you will ever hear is, ?Make yourself at home.? Then, you guessed it?. GO MEET THE PILLARS! Give them your business card. Get one of their cards. I?ve learned that when I meet a pillar and I say to them??
?I just spent an hour with your boss. By the way, they speak very highly of you.?
?.my new relationship with that person just catapulted to a very high level in a matter of minutes! You can leave a business after the very first call with multiple, solid relationships. Go do this today!
Rob Adair is the President of Pinnacle Solving. His company provides revenue growth solutions, branding and differentiation strategies to radio and other industries. Adair is a former radio industry COO and Sr. VP overseeing 25+ stations and multiple major markets. He can be reached at 405-641-0458 or by e-mail rob@pinnaclesolving.com
(12/15/2012 5:51:12 AM)
Marvelous and clean strategy, Rob. Rather than some sleazy closing technique, this one serves the client.
The next step is to teach the sales staff how to go into the Creative departments; find a breathing soul who isn't already in a restraining jacket from hearing constant demands or from constantly having to prepare crap and finding a way to get them to generate some radio-messaging that will actually influence the client's target market.
I know... I ask too much.
Is there even an opportunity to outsource the creative...?
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