The award winning PD will hang it up at the end of January according to Greater Media. CEO Peter Smyth said, "Charley Lake has been and will always be an important and beloved member of the Greater Media family. Under his leadership, WMGK-FM has become one of the premiere Classic Rock stations in America. I wish him all the best as he begins the next chapter of his life." Lake has served as PD at WMGK-FM since January of 2007. Prior to that, he was PD at KOOL in Phoenix and has worked at WJMK-FM in Chicago, WRNO-FM in New Orleans and WLVQ-FM in Columbus, Ohio.
"Charley has done an extraordinary job for Greater Media and helped WMGK achieve some of its highest ratings," said Greater Media Philadelphia Senior Vice President and Regional Market Manager John Fullam. "Charley is one of the top Program Directors in our business and one of the nicest people. We will miss him dearly and wish him all the best."
"Charley Lake has built an amazing radio legacy and leaves our business with an indelible mark of success," said Greater Media Vice President of Program Development Buzz Knight. "We will miss him greatly and I congratulate him for all of his accomplishments."
"I'm extraordinarily grateful to Greater Media, John Fullam, Peter Smyth and Buzz Knight for letting me hang my hat here for the past 7 years," said Lake. "It's an honor to wrap up my career, which has involved both the radio and music industries, in Philadelphia, a city as famous for its legendary radio stations and air talent as it is for its legacy of wonderful music and musicians. I look forward to my retirement, but for now I'm just looking forward to spending a few more weeks in the company of the nicest and most talented group of radio professionals I've ever had the privilege of working with."
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