Mike Huckabee posted the following message on Facebook today. "The Mike Huckabee Show on radio, which was heard 3 hours a day on over 200 radio stations across the country since April of 2012 will conclude its run at the end of the final show on Thursday, December 12. This does not in any way effect The Huckabee Report, my three times daily commentary which is now heard on over 500 radio stations and continues to grow. It will remain without interruption and grow in the future. I have loved doing the Mike Huckabee Show, and it's success of going from launch to over 200 stations in less than 2 years is significant, but the contract was at a decision point for both Cumulus Media and me, and we mutually agreed to conclude."
(11/28/2013 7:52:54 AM)
I believe this was planned. He would have had to give up his show to run for president in 2016 anyway.
(11/27/2013 9:20:18 PM)
"Loud Mouth"...hmmmm...
A free society depends upon proper discourse. I'm a fan of great radio, whether it's proferred by 'liberal' or 'conservative' voices. Name-calling creates heat, but sheds no light.
(11/27/2013 1:34:49 PM)Another third-tier conservative loud mouth silenced by lack of ratings success. Don't let the door hit you on the way out Mike.
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