The 52-year-old Corley worked for WXPK-FM "The Peak" in White Plains, New York. The local paper reports Corley finished her morning show, went home, and a neighbor who noticed her having a hard time breathing, called 911. An ambulance took her to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. The station released the following statement...
"We are very thankful for the OUTPOURING of love via emails, Facebook, and phone calls that we have received throughout the last 24 hours. Thanks to all. Caroline has left a permanent mark on all of us and this station that will never be forgotten. Caroline LIVED for radio. In fact, this would make her very proud. She always stressed the importance of making radio personal and accessible, one on one. Touching lives. This outpouring is proof she accomplished that day in and day out. We will all miss her very much."
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