Auto Dealers, Dealer Groups and Manufacturers were still the top spending category for 2014, but the sector was down 2% year over year, reports the RAB. Communications, health care, and insurance spending all showed gains. Number 2 ranker communications was up 1%, number 4 ranked health care showed a 4% increase, professional services ranked 5 was up 4% and insurance, ranked number 8 increased 3%.
Ad categories on the downtrend in the top 10 were: Auto dealers/dealer groups/manufacturers off 2%, number 3 ranked financial services were down 9%, number 6 ranked restaurants were off 11%, ranked number 7 television/ networks/cable was off 10%, number 9 grocery/convenience stores off 14%, and number 10 Education was down 6%.
Radio's Top 10 Spot categories in 2014 were, in ranking order:
Auto Dealers/Dealer Groups/Manufacturers/Rentals
Financial Services
Health Care
Professional Services
Television/Networks/Cable Providers
Insurance Companies
Grocery/Convenience Stores
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