The company says it has consolidated worldwide engineering offices to Scottsdale, Arizona, and Ludwigsburg, Germany, to improve operating efficiency. Some employees from the San Leandro, CA, engineering staff will be working off-site, engaging in online meetings and engineering sessions between all offices and will continue top be a part of the Orban team. Orban has maintained an office in the San Francisco area since its formation by Bob Orban in 1970.
When CRLI acquired Orban in 2000, the operation had 114 employees in a 52,000-square-foot building for manufacturing, customer service, sales, research, and development. In 2006, Orban consolidated the corporate offices, sales, manufacturing, and customer service, moving those jobs to Tempe, AZ, with only 19 employees remaining in California. By 2015, Orban only had four employees working out of the California office and four working from home due to the commuter traffic in the Bay Area. Orban decided to consolidate its U.S. operations entirely in Scottsdale, allowing the California employees to use Orban?s virtual private networking and online Web conferencing to do their jobs from home.
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