June 22, 2011
When a radio station gets sold employees go from the wondering what's going to happen to their station on a daily basis to worrying about what's going to happen to their job on a daily basis. At the two soon-to-be-Merlin facilities in Chicago, Emmis employs 70 people according to General Manager Marv Nyren. He says "a top priority of the new company will be to put together its team, which employees will stay and which employees will go." And, what about Nyren?
The long-time Emmis GM sounded amazingly calm and relaxed yesterday for someone who just wen through quite a stressful day. He says "having known what was going on for quite a while there were no surprises. I believe in the process. Emmis is a wonderful company." But is Nyren going to be the Chicago GM for Randy Michaels or does Gehron or another Randy Michaels team member from the past eventually slide into that position?
Nyren says he's been talking with the new company and no decision has been made. "Decisions have to be made on both sides. I have not been offered a job and I have not not been offered a job." Nyren has been with Emmis for 11 years, 6 in Chicago and 5 in Phoenix. When we asked him if he wanted to stay, he said he wasn't sure yet. As far as the other 69 Emmis employees on staff in Chicago, Nyren says specific plans have not yet been shared but every employee will be able to re-interview for a position. If you are a salesperson hitting your budgets you are probably in a much safer place than any other employee. Sellers in major markets are usually tied up with a non-compete and for any new owner to lop off salespeople without replacements who know the market could be costly. CBS, Cumulus and Hubbard also operate in Chicago.
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