During the Thursday-morning Leadership Breakfast at the Radio Show, Emmis CEO Jeff Smulyan said Congress may be getting involved again in the implementation of the FM chip. Smulyan was following up on a statement by Digity CEO Dean Goodman, who fully supports the chip and said every effort should be made to get them turned on (many phones already have the FM chips, but carriers choose not to activate them).
Smulyan said, "There's a renewed interest in this in Congress and some are asking why [the chip] isn't activated. We've decided not to pursue a mandate. I'll leave it up to [NAB CEO] Gordon Smith to decide what to do on the mandate." Smulyan gave the impression that carriers are getting in the way of NextRadio's advancing.
(9/12/2014 11:40:46 AM)
The cell phone providers have too strong of a lobby. Congress voted it down before, and does not to like to make such mandates.
Stupid Smulyan Jewman! LOL!
The carriers aren't "getting in the way" of anything, Jeff. IT'S THE MARKET!!...That is, there is no significant consumer interest in FM on a mobile phone! Deal with it. And ironic how Mr. Smulyan and others want government intervention-- when you need government mandates, you're really in trouble.
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