Dave Van Dyke points out in his latest blog posting on Bridge, that most terrestrial broadcasters are gun-shy when it comes gleaning research from streaming data. Van Dyke says that much of it has to do with programmers' comfort with the research tools they have been using for years: telephone call-out, auditorium music testing and newer platforms such as Shazam and M-Score.
Van Dyke points out that streaming songs such as Meghan Trainor song Dear Future Husband and Luke Bryan's Games are huge on the streaming charts, but both are charting low on radio. Guns n Roses' Sweet Child of Mine and Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley continue to rank in the top 20 most-streamed songs by their on-demand audience, but are radio programmers using this data for rotations and adds? Well, there is that whole Rick Roll thing.
Van Dyke notes, "A better indicator than CD sales or even digital downloads, on-demand streaming gets to the root of quantifying song appeal. If a music listener invests time in selecting and listening to songs on-demand, there is legitimate cause to believe they want to hear it." Van Dyke says that if it is indeed radio's job to reflect the taste of the listener, it's paramount to "study the consumption of your listeners through on-demand streaming."
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