The NextRadio smartphone app has seen a rise in downloads of 53 percent since its initial launch. NextRadio joined with the NAB last month to launch a nationwide radio campaign promoting smartphone FM chip activation. The reported success of the campaign, has led to stations continuing to run the commercials and fresh spots are being produced based on station feedback.
NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith notes, "NAB is a strong advocate for free, FM radio capability in mobile phones, and we're pleased with the industry support and initial results of NextRadio's nationwide radio campaign. This campaign is the fruition of leaders in the radio business working together to provide listeners with an exciting new broadcast radio experience that is dependable in times of emergency and providers the interactivity listeners seek."
Some other figures were released regarding NextRadio, they include: There have been over 250 thousand new users since the campaign launch, listener interaction is up 4 percent and there have been over 400 thousand new visitors to freeradioonmyphone.org taking action and contacting their wireless carrier asking them to activate the FM Chip in their phone
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