Bomani Jones has been added to ESPN's evening lineup with the addition of The Right Time with Bomani Jones at 9 p.m. ET. The move leads to a restructuring of ESPN night offerings, with The Sedano Show at 7p.m. ET, followed by The Right Time with Bomani Jones at 9 p.m. and the three-hour The Freddie Coleman Show at 11 p.m.
Bomani Jones has been an ESPN contributor for nearly a decade and in 2013 became a fulltime co-host of Highly Questionable. He had previously been heard on ESPN Radio's The Dan Le Batard Show. VP, ESPN Audio Network Content David Roberts notes on the changes, "The new weeknight lineup underscores our commitment to serve sports fans by offering the most compelling, interesting, informative and entertaining content from an on-air team that is dynamic, distinctive and diverse all week long."
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