Pandora remains the dominant player in the increasingly crowded streaming space. The latest research from Triton Digital shows Pandora's commanding lead with over 2.2 million active streams, over 1.1 million active starts, and average time spent listening at 0.61. Spotify's active streams pales in comparison, at one-third Pandora's rate. The number three streamer, iHeartMedia, garnered just a hair over 15 percent of Pandora's active streams.
Looking only at the time spent listening, iHeart overtakes Pandora at nearly three-quarters of an hour. Spotify's session starts logged at about half the rate of Pandora. In raw numbers, with all the averages taken into consideration, the top five shake out like this: Pandora, Spotify, iHeart, CBS, and finally Cumulus.
The big question remains: How will all of this change once Apple throws its hat into the streaming ring with its much publicized upcoming Beats service? Chances are that even with Apple's brand and war chest, the Cupertino company will have a very tough slog in the very competitive streaming space that Pandora now dominates. Read the full Triton report Here.
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