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Friday, June 3, 2011

Emmis Saves Fireworks Celebration in Indy.

Emmis Saves Fireworks Celebration in Indy.

What can a radio company do that a big bank can't do? Serve the community. That the case in Indianapolis anyway. The 4th of July fireworks celebration is back on in Indianapolis thanks to Emmis Communications and the Donato's pizza chain. Emmis will choreograph the fireworks to music and launche them from the roof of the Regions Bank Tower. Donato's pizza has signed on as the primary sponsor for the event.

Emmis stations WIBC-FM and WLHK-FM will produce and broadcast the musical soundtrack for the fireworks. The company Zambelli Internationale will be the company responsible for shooting off the fireworks. In 2010 Regions had to back out of the fireworks because it couldn't fund the event. That year, Clear Channel stepped in to save the event.

View the original article here