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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Glenn Beck Wows The Forecast Crowd


Glenn Beck always plays down his success by saying things like, "I'm not the best broadcaster" in the business, yet there's no denying his tremendous success. He's the third-most listened to talk show host in America and has been for quite some time. Yesterday at Forecast, Beck gave a keynote speech to a sold out Forecast crowd in New York City about why he loves radio and how he's become so successful at it. He gave the crowd a great lesson on what they should be doing every day when they show up for work.

Beck said he got into radio because of his love for the spoken word. "Radio allows you to connect with one other individual. Radio is you and me. And so we become friends. I strangely feel like my audience is a friend. You learn never to talk to the masses. When you do it right you think of the person as the individual. That connection is there. We're friends."

On the business side, Beck says too many people are in this for the money. They wear it on their sleeve that they have to make the bottom line or they have to sell more spots. "That won't connect with anyone. It won't work in the future. People who are consumers today have been marketed to since the day they were born. That's why Steve Jobs/Apple works. Because they mean it. What's your WHY? Is it money?"

Beck says his main goal is to help advertisers. "I'm the only talk show person that hires a local salesperson. I do it because I believe in the local advertisers, the small businessman. Not for the money. I help them. I make sure my team helps them. I'm a businessman. How can I help the small businessman while achieving independence as a broadcaster? I'm tired of people who have never listened to my show make decisions on how to spend dollars. I'm not going to be told I'm not effective. My listeners are more valuable than anyone else's. Because I have a connection with my listeners." Beck says he tells advertisers, "I can't wait for you to meet my audience."

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