In most cases, thanks to Facebook, when a station flips formats or dumps a long-time host listeners will post their feelings online about the changes. Listeners will angrily scribble they will never listen again or the owners have no idea what they're doing. In San Francisco listeners have taken their passion for a station to the next level, organizing a rally to protest the recent changes made by Cumulus at KGO-AM. It's another example of how close listeners grow to what they perceive as "their" local station. An Occupy KGO Facebook page was also started, although it has only generated 675 likes.
Cumulus has been making changes to the station hoping those changes will bring KGO bigger ratings. People inside the company argue the ratings at KGO, compared to the salaries being paid, were not as solid as others want the industry to believe. If they were these changes would not be made. Several hosts have been let go and staff changes were announced shortly after Citadel sold to Cumulus. Former KGO host Gil Gross told the local TV station "I think they want local talk back where people can intelligently discuss the issues." KGO issued a statement saying, "KGO listeners are passionate about their station. We appreciate their input and feedback as we evolve from a news talk format to more news and information."
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