Arbitron says the Media Rating Council has accredited the Portable People Meter ratings service in eight additional markets: Cleveland, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Denver-Boulder, Detroit, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood, Pittsburgh, Portland OR, and Nassau/Suffolk (Long Island). MRC Executive Director George Ivie said, ?We congratulate Arbitron for the continued improvements of its quality metrics and on earning accreditation in eight additional markets. Arbitron has clearly made progress in meeting MRC requirements, particularly in most of the larger PPM markets. We look forward to future audits and continued progress.?
That brings the total number of accredited markets to 26. The MRC voted to not grant accreditation at this time in the remaining 22 PPM markets. ?MRC accreditation for our PPM markets is a company-wide priority at Arbitron, and we are pleased the MRC continues to recognize our ongoing efforts to improve Sample Performance Indicators and other quality metrics in our Portable People Meter ratings services,? said Gregg Lindner, executive Vice President, Service Innovation and Chief Research Officer, Arbitron Inc. ?Continuous improvement remains our watchword, for PPM and for all our ratings and software offerings and we are focused on earning accreditation for the balance of our PPM markets.?
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